Thursday, July 18, 2019

Prairie View Volunteer Firefighters set to host "A Red Hot Summer Night in August"

The members of the Prairie View Volunteer Fire Fighting Association, Inc. our gearing up for its “13th Annual Red & White Ball” where recognition is given to the fire fighters that have gone above and beyond the call of duty and supporters for their contributions.

The Annual “A Red-Hot Summer’s Night in August” is set for August 31, 2019 at 7:00 PM in the Willie Tempton Memorial Student Ballroom on the beautiful campus Prairie View A&M University. This year’s award recipients are the faithful Table Sponsors with the Fire Engine Award, and Student Organizations with the Ladder Truck Award.

The distinguished event is open to the entire Prairie View Family, including all residents of the City, University faculty, staff, students, friends of the City of Prairie View and Waller County. Individual tickets at the price of $45.00, table sponsorships available starting at $360 through August 15, 2019 and souvenir Ads are available through July 31, 2019.

Proceeds from the event will provide the department with the assistance and other necessary items needed to serve and protect our community. Each year fifty percent of the proceeds are given back to the community and support the Back to School Supply Drive, Halloween Activity, Homecoming Activities, Senior Thanksgiving Luncheon, Smoke Detectors, Food & Toy Drive, and Easter Activities to name a few.

Financial donations from our local and surrounding communities help the association to achieve its program goals throughout the year. The association is also seeking donated items for its Silent Auction event at the gala.

Donations and advertisements should be sent to: PRAIRIE VIEW VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTING ASSOCIATION, INC., 502 Ellen Powell Dr., P. O. Box 427, Prairie View, Texas 77446. All donations are Tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

For additional information, contact Belinda Lewis at or Sandra Wenzy at 713-542-3437.

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