Friday, January 14, 2022

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King , Jr. - "Waking up and Working the Dream"

The members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Eta Gamma Chapter at Prairie View A&M University and Epsilon Tau Lambda Chapter of Prairie View, invite the public to The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance program on January 17, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. on the ZOOM NETWORK. Meeting ID: 860 7377 4355  Passcode: 944404 

Featured Speakers include: Miss Z'Nae Mangum, Miss Prairie View A&M University and Miss Black and Gold Eta Gamma, who will share with us her thoughts on “Why do we celebrate the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day."  


Dr. Brian E. Rowland, a four-time graduate of Prairie View A&M University with the Bachelor of Business Administration, the Master of Business Administration , the Master of Community Development and the Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership.  Rowland served on the Prairie View City Council four six years and is now the Mayor of the City. Rowland will share The Reflections on the Legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Mr. Dwayne Charleston, a graduate of the University of North Texas and Editor and Publisher of the Prairie View Magazine, a monthly publication covering the happenings of Prairie View.  He  formerly served as Editor of the African American News and Issues and is a former Waller County Precinct 3 Judge. Charleston will speak on The Reality of the Dream.


Mr. Frank D. Jackson, a two-time graduate of Prairie View A&M University with the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees.  Jackson a retired Community Affairs Director at Prairie View A&M University and Commander of the United States Navy.  He formerly served as Assistant Chancellor for Government Relations for The Texas A&M University System and is a former Mayor of the City of Prairie View.  He will reflect on Living the Dream and Importance of Rev. Martin Luther King.

Miss Melanie Hollis, Miss Black and Gold Epsilon Tau Lambda, will address the question "What will Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Think of us Today."


David Simpson, Community Affairs Chairman for Eta Gamma is the host of the program.  Stannarj Knowles, President of Eta Gamma will present the speakers and Jarrick Brown, President of Epsilon Tau Lambda will give the closing remarks. The Chairman of the Program is Frederick V. Roberts, Sargent-at-Arms for Epsilon Tau Lambda and Herbert Thomas, Corresponding Secretary for Epsilon Tau Lambda is Co-Chairman.

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