Sunday, February 11, 2024

Jocelyn Dorsey, Miss Eta Gamma is new Miss TCAC Old Gold and Black

Miss Jocelyn Dorsey, Miss Eta Gamma Old Gold and Black is the new Miss TCAC Miss Old Gold and Black for 2024 at the recent pageant held in San Antonio, Texas on February 9-10. Jocelyn competed for the title and the chance to represent the Texas District at the Southwest Region Convention of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana on March 20-21.

Jocelyn's win marks a repeat for the chapter as Miss Chloe Nyree Tolbert won the title in 2023 and represented the district at the regional convention in Fort Worth.

In addition to the title, Jocelyn was the Scholarship, Talent and Onstage winner in the competition. There were six contestants in the Pageant; First Runner up was Miss Delta Old Gold and Black from Huston Tillotson University and Second Runner up was Miss Delta Theta from Texas Southern University. Miss Eniyah Watson, Miss Epsilon Tau Lambda Black and Gold, Prairie View was a non-finalist in the pageant.
Jocelyn is a junior Vocal Performance student from Houston, Texas and a proud graduate of the George Washington Carver High School for Applied Technology, Engineering and the Arts. She aspires to be a Contemporary Christian Artist, Entrepreneur and a Broadway Star. She lives by Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Her platform is "Let your Real light shine: Excellence, Authenticity and Community; Inspiring students and my HBCU to pursue excellence in their studies and goals while learning to be their authentic selves and paying forward to their community through service. Some of her achievements include Tommy Tune Best Actress Award, TMEA All-State Women's Choir and National Opera Association 2nd Place (first HBCU to place). She is a member of the University Concert Chorale and the PVAMU Singers. Her civic and community engagement include volunteering at the Houston Food Bank, Congresswoman Sheila Jacksoon Lee Toys for Tots, Arts Mentorship and Vocal and Acting Coach. Among her favorites are Chandler Moore and Beyonce' (singers/performers); Boiled Seafood; Dreamgirls, Love & Basketball and Elementals (movies); Dogs (she owns a pup); Bible and the Book of Ruth.

When asked her reason for competing, Jocelyn stated, "I have been eagerly waiting for an opportunity such as this. Being Miss Old Gold and Black would provide me with the opportunity to inspire, cultivate and pay it forward to my community and my beloved HBCU. I want to be a voice for the voices that are overlooked and counted out, I want to provide a fresh new perspective to the student body, as well as being an active role model of what it means to walk in authenticity, excellence and grace.

The Brothers of the Eta Gamma Chapter was also winners at the District Convention, capturing the following Awards: * 1st Place Debate Competition * 1st Place Collegiate Scholars Bowl * 1st Place Step Show Competition * Charles H. Wesley Brotherhoo Award with Epsilon Tau Lambda * 1st Runner Up in Oratorical Contest

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