Sunday, December 14, 2008

Mayor Jackson Reminds PVAMU Graduates who Came Down that Road

Mayor Frank D. Jackson Reminds Graduates to go down that Road

The 2008 Fall Commencement Exercises at Prairie View A&M University, held on December 13, is now history.

In one of his most eloquent and passionate messages, Prairie View's Mayor Frank D. Jackson told the graduating class "that they must remember that they came down University Drive for an education and as a result of what the university did for them, they had a responsibility to do the same for others." It was down that road he said that major decisions were made that affected the slaves, the freed slaves, the past and current students. It was down that road that the eight young Black men showed up to be educated. Jackson electrified the audience with his eloquent recount of the eight Principals and Seven Presidents who came down that road and impacted the life, culture, climate and the physical make up of the university. It was down that road he said that the Texas Legislators came to decide on what PVAMU would become.

It was down that road that more than 5,000 persons marched to Hempstead and Waller County Courthouse to protect their right to vote. He continued that it was down that road that 90 percent of the student voters walked to the Community Center and cast their vote in the most historic election in the Nation's History with the election of Senator Barack Obama, the first African American ever elected as President of the United States.

The commencement message was not your typical one and Jackson, noted for his passionate delivery of the Prairie View History, interspersed within the Texas History, kept the attention of the graduates from beginning to end. In his concluding remarks Jackson shared the Eagle and Chicken story and told them that they are eagles and they need to spread their wings and fly. "You have a responsibility to take this newly acquire intellect and soar to great heights in your chosen fields."

Jackson is a noted historian, author, retired Captain in the United States Navy, Fire Chief, Director of Auxiliary Services, former Council Member and County Commissioner, and Director of Government Relations at Prairie View A&M University.

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