The weekend – April 30 – all roads lead to the City of Prairie View the 42nd Birthday Celebration. The event focused on the Family and several area churches came out and shared in the family activities. There were several vendor booths, hayrides, games, music and lots of food; and a parade to mark the event. Prairie View was incorporated in April 1969 and is a city on the frontier of change. In 2010 Bloomberg Business named the City as one of the best of three cities to raise kids in Texas. Gatesville and Waco lead the way. For information, contact event chair Elaine Jackson, 936-857-5550 or
On May 7, members of Hope AME and St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church will host a Prayer Breakfast, featuring the Reverend Bobbie Knowles, Rector for Hope Episcopal in Houston.

For the health of it, the ladies of the Prairie View Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. presents: “All about Lupus and More” on May 18 at 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the Prairie View Alumni Headquarters on university drive. Speakers for the event are Joyce Thornton for president of the Prairie View Alumnae Chapter and Rebecca Kramer, Representative from the Lupus Association. Refreshments will be served and Door prizes for the participants.
On April 24, Christians around the world celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Among the area churches marking the event were the members of St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Prairie View. St. Francis observed the holy week leading up to the resurrection with services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Great Vigil of Easter and Easter Resurrection Sunday. The Reverend Dr. Frank Hawkins was the celebrant.
Kudos to the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Zeta Gamma Omega Chapter for host its annual Easter Book Reading and Egg Hunt on April 22 at the Coleman-Kemp-Smith Waller County Community Center in Prairie View. More than fifty kids attended and had a great time.
Please remember the following persons in your prayers: Vera Armstrong, Mary Boozer, Ernestine Carreathers, Hulen and Irene Davis, George E. Higgs, Mary Kemp, David and Lorraine Kirkpatrick, Irene Reid, Willie Smith and Douglas Woolfolk, who all stand in the need of prayer. May God’s blessings bring them health and strength!

The View from the Hill: The PVAMU Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) team is winding down another successful year of events. Activities left on its calendar are the Business of Engineering Success Forum on April 27 and the 6th Annual Entertainment and Music Business and the Gospel Showcase on May 4. For information, contact Devin Evans, SIFE’s president at (936) 261-3579.
Happy April birthday greetings to: Cube Charleston (21), Becky Fredholm (21), Martha Jackson (21), Nellie Charleston (22), Anita Jones (26), Vicki Seldon (26), SirMichael Jones (26), Theodis Shine (26), Herbert Thomas (26), Florine Muse (27), Brenda Howard (28), Shianne Patrick (30) and Malcolm Copeland (30). May birthday congratulations to Lou Lee Wood (5), Ellery Chase Stevens (7), Ella Anderson (8), Mary Hawkins (9), and Mary Ann Stubblefield (9).
Until next week, "accentuate the positives and see the good in everyone and everything. Extend a helping hand where possible." Keep the news, achievements and recognitions coming to, fax 936-857-5352, phone 936-857-3272 or P. O. Box 2906, Prairie View, Texas 77446.
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