Mayor Jackson to give State of Prairie View Address on February 1, 2012
Mayor Frank D. Jackson is set to give State of the City of Prairie View Address on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall on U.S. Business 290. The event was originally set for January 30, however due to scheduling conflict it was moved.
Mayor Jackson will outline the goals of his administration this past year and show what has been accomplished and what plans lie ahead for the city.
Part of the Mayor's address will focus on the various Memorandums of Understanding that has been signed with various "Sister Cities" around the world; activities to stimulate Economic Development; Finances, Quality of Life issues including fire and police protection.
Frank D. Jackson was elected Mayor for the City of Prairie View, Texas on May 4, 2002. He is seeking reelection for a sixth term in May 2012.
During his tenure as Mayor Frank D. Jackson worked cooperatively with members of the City Council to adopt the first City – Countywide Emergency Management Plan; install a traffic light at the intersection of University Drive & Owens Road; adopted the City’s Comprehensive Development Plan and Zoning Ordinance, and the City’s Strategic Plan; provided leadership to pass the City’s 1st bond initiative since 1975 to make critical upgrades to the water & waste water systems to include a complete refurbishment of the City’s water tower and tripling the capacity of the City’s main (Alta Vista) lift station , pave every street in the City with hot-mix asphalt, and build the 1st City owned City Hall & Municipal Court Building; erect a Welcome to City of Prairie View sign with flags on US 290; landscape major intersections; erect the “Fences Project” that recognizes the historic 14 Farm Families of PV; implement the bi-annual Panthers At Work City-wide Clean up involving the University and Community; widen University Drive from the entrance to Prairie View A&M University to Business 290 to a 5 lane boulevard with bicycle lanes, sidewalks and street lights; adopt a “Down Town Overlay Plan” that with guide a uniform and beautiful development of down town Prairie View; purchased property to build a City owned Retail Center.
Mayor Frank D. Jackson authored the 1st book on the history of the City of Prairie View, Texas entitled “A Brief History of The City of Prairie View”; he also took the leadership to establish “Sister City” relations with Belize City, Belize, Punta Gorda, Belize, Aseseeso – Akwapem, Ghana and has initiated discussions with the City of Anse-aVeau, Haiti.
Frank D. Jackson is President and Fire Chief of the Prairie View Volunteer Fire Fighting Association, Inc., and Past Master of Lone Star Lodge # 85 – Hempstead, Texas and currently serves as Grand Historian for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas. He is an active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Epsilon Tau Lambda Chapter – Prairie View, Texas.
Mr. Jackson is married to the former Marian Elaine Jones and is the father of four children, Tracy, Ayanna, Cheikh & Okofo. The Jackson’s have two grandchildren Chazrel & Simone.
Frank D. Jackson strives to live by the Motto: Regardless of the phenomenon that we encounter in this life, it will be a whole lot better if we just do it together.”
Citizens are invited to come out and hear the mayor and raise questions on issues impacting them and the city.
The breakfast is being sponsored by Economic Development Corporation 4B, Herbert R. Thomas is the president.
For information contact City Hall at 936-857-3711.
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