Friday, April 20, 2012

Michael W. Prince Seeks Reelection to WISD School Board

Michael W. Prince announces his candidacy for reelection to Position 6 on the Waller Independent School District (WISD) Board in the upcoming election on May 12, 2012. Prince has been a resident of the Waller Independent School District since 1988 and was first elected to serve on the Waller ISD Board in May, 2009.

Prince brings a wealth of educational experience and training to the board having served as a substitute teacher for Waller ISD. He is currently serving as a District Administrator for Tomball ISD, a position that provides and opportunity for his clear decision making on policies and procedures that have an impact on WISD education.

Under his theme and platform of "Working for the Community through the Community," Prince has made a significant impact on programs and activities to enhance the students of the district to include managing an established After School Program for Waller ISD Students, managing an established Feeding Program for Waller ISD Students; serving as a Mentor for the young men of Waller ISD. Under his leadership, he has seen the Waller ISD become a Recognized School District and respected among county schools. For the past several years, Mr. Prince has been providing Radio Broadcast Coverage for Waller Athletics Boys and Girls teams.

When asked why he was running for reelection Prince stated that there was much more to do with the district and he felt it important to continue to provide his vision where all areas in the district are represented at the table. “I believe my services have been commendable to the district these past three years.”

Always wanting to improve his administrative and management skills for the Board, Prince has led his colleagues with more than the required Continuing Education Units for the state of Texas since being elected in 2009. Additionally, as a dedicated and committed member, Prince posts a perfect attendance record for all Board Meetings since 2009.

Michael is a Pastor and Founder of Temple of Refuge Church of God in Christ and Founder of Never Ending Worship Bible Club (N. E. W.), an after school program serving Waller ISD since 2006. He is a Volunteer Coach with the Waller County Baseball Association since 2004 and serves as a Chaplin and Vice President of Economic 4B for the City of Prairie View. He is also a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. In his spare time, he enjoys sports, camping, outdoors, music, and “PEOPLE!”

Mr. Prince holds the Bachelors of Arts degree in Communication from Prairie View A&M University.

Michael and his wife, Stephanie, are the parents of three children who receive their education in Waller ISD schools.

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