Thursday, February 2, 2017

Houston Foodbank Kraft Mobile Pantry Distribution set for January 12

The Kraft Houston FoodBank Mobile Unit and the St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church and cadre of volunteers will hold its distribution on today, January 12, 2017 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the church on 204 Dooley Street in Prairie View. There are no qualifications necessary, however, persons will have the opportunity to sign up for SNAP, Children’s Medicaid/CHIP and TANF programs. Only persons present and signed-in will be able to secure the food. Patrons are urged to PLEASE bring bags and boxes for the items. We express our thanks to all the volunteers for their support in 2016. For information and future schedules, contact email - or call 936-857-3272.

Then is the Men of St. Francis’ Men’s Prayer Breakfast on January 21 at 8:30 a.m. at the Church on 204 Dooley Street. Dr. Matthew S. Stanford, CEO of the Hope and Healing Center of Houston, and adjunct professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences in the Baylor College of Medicine and the department of psychology at the University of Houston. Dr. Stanford will address the issue of mental and physical health. All men of the community are invited to the free breakfast and fellowship. Please call 936-857-3272 or email, to confirm attendance. Members of the public are also invited to the Christian Education and Bible Study at the church every Sunday from 9:30-10:30 a.m., followed by Morning Worship at 11:00 a.m. Come learn the word and share in the fellowship.

Sunday, January 15 is the birthdate of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who would have turned 87 on this day. Dr. King, a renowned civil rights leader, was born in 1929 and was assassinated April 4, 1968. Dr. King’s birthday is a national holiday which will be commemorated on January 16 and the members of the local community will host a parade, programs and cultural activities, etc. Take time to pay homage to Dr. King by reflecting on his life’s work and service. Make this holiday a celebration of life and service in honor of the preacher from Atlanta!

The members of Greater St. Peters Baptist Church Hempstead invite all area churches, businesses and other organizations to participate in its 23rd Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade on January 16 at 10:00 a.m. Participants will line up at the VF Factory Outlet on Hwy 290 at 9:00 a.m. The parade will end at the Greater St. Peter’s Baptist Church were the celebration continues with a fellowship program. Pastor Fred Thomas III, is the Parade Sponsor and Organizer. For information contact Cheryl King at 832-257-6842 or Rev. Frederick Ragston at 281-914-0659 or Thanks for your support.

Members of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Eta Gamma Chapter will host a memorial march and program at the university on January 16 beginning at 12:00 noon.

Congratulations to Messrs. Jason Bullen and Barry Taylor on their induction into the Brotherhood of the Arrow of Light sponsored by the Sam Houston Area Council at Camp Bovay in Navasota on December 30. The event culminated the 2016 Winter Camp. Taylor is the Assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 1906 while Bullen is an adult leader with the troop. The troop meets first and third Wednesdays at Prairie View City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Adult leaders for the troop include Cameron Estwick (Scoutmaster), Bobby Ray Williams (Troop Committee Chair and District Rep), Seab Smith (Merit Badge Coordinator), Brian Rowland (Fundraising Chair), Marshall Brown and Frederick Roberts (Committee Members).

January 20 will mark the end of an era and the presidency of the Honorable Barak Obama as the 44th President of the United States, the first Black elected to the highest positon in the country on November 4, 2008. While conditions in the country and the world changed dramatically under his leadership, there are still much more to be done. On January 10, President Obama thanked the nation for the opportunity to serve and left with the charge that he is still hopeful for the nation that he loves. Whatever your politics are we will inaugurate Donald Trump as the 45th President and remain hopeful that the country will move to greater heights. In tribute to President Obama, I’ve decided to select HOPE as my word for the month of January and encourage you to select a word to guide you this month also. I will explain this request in the next issue.

The members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Epsilon Tau Lambda Chapter is conducting its annual Golden Raffle with prizes to include 51” Samsung HDTV, iPad, Weekend Massage and Spa. Purchase a chance to win The Golden Ticket Raffle! Enrich someone's life by supporting our efforts to make change! Proceeds from the event supports the chapter’s scholarship fund, Boy Scouts, Miss Black and Gold and other program operations. Lynn Smith is the chair. Tickets can be purchased from members.

Your prayers and encouragement are welcomed for Ada Beal, Dwayne Charleston, Irene Davis, B. J. Freeman, Evelyn Jones, David & Loraine Kirkpatrick, Pearl Martin, Willie Smith, Mary Ann Stubblefield, March Tramble, Otelia Watson, Sandra Watson and Douglas Woolfolk. May God’s peace be with you!

HAPPY JANUARY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO: James Kromah (14), Gloria Holloway (14), Arie Yell (14), Eugene Armstrong (15), Gib Dungey (15), Mary Curtis (16), Madolyn Reed (17), Hosie Anderson (19) and Anna James (22). Belated Happy Birthday to Robert Williams who celebrated his birthday on January 1.

A VIEW FROM THE HILL: Get ready for the 59th Annual Ministers' Conference set for February 7-8th, 2017 at Prairie View A&M University. The conference theme: “Practical Teaching within a Millennium Culture” is the blueprint for the two-day event. The conference is sponsored by the Johnson-Phillip All Faiths Chapel and the Ministers Executive Committee, with Dr. Max A. Miller and Dr. Lester J. Gillespie Sr. and Conference co-chairs and Reverend Charles H. Lewter, IV is the coordinator. For information email to: or call 936-261-3590.

The Staff of Career Services are preparing for its 2017 Spring Career Fair set for February 8 from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the Student Recreational Center at Prairie View A&M University. More than 80 companies, governmental and educational entities are expected to participate in this year’s event. The department will host a series of pre-career fair events to include resume reviews, dressing and interviewing techniques. Members of the Collegiate 100 and Epsilon Gamma Iota are set to assist with the pre-career fair events. For information visit: or call 936-261-3570. The department will also host its 2017 Career Services Leadership Institute on February 23-25 at the Crowne Plaza Brookhollow Hotel.

Until next week, in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.” Keep the news and achievements coming to or P. O. Box 2906, Prairie View, TX 77446

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Dr. Glenn Berry is Men's Prayer Breakfast Speaker at St. Francis of Assisi

Dr. Glenn Berry is the speaker for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast at St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church on December 21, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. i...