PVAMU National Alumni Convention is a Success
The 43rd Annual Convention of the Prairie View A&M University
National Alumni Association is now history. The event held July 19-23, kicked off with the meeting of the board of directors at the Houston Hilton Hotel. On July 20, the members hosted a general session and received reports from the several chapters and an update from Roy G. Perry, Board Chairman for the
Prairie View A&M Foundation. Perry thanked the members for their support and encouraged them to continue supporting the foundation for the Athletic Complex still had to be paid for.
July 21 was Panther’s on the Hill Day at the university. In the general session, members were welcomed to the campus by Interim
President Ruth S. Simmons who shared her vision for the university during her
remarks and greetings. Among the welcomed statements from Dr. Simmons were the plan to have a president’s home built at the university and her stance on academic excellence and support of the students. Simmons concluded her remarks by stating, "I am grateful for this opportunity to serve my brother’s alma mater and for the opportunity to assist with the exceptional work that goes on here every day. I look forward to working with all of you to tell the story of this great institution in a new and exciting way.
Dr. Corey Bradford, Vice President for Business Affairs and CFO reported on the progress at the university and plans for new constructions in the coming years. Dr. Felecia Nave, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs reported on the state of affairs and afforded several deans the opportunity to report on activities in the various colleges.
The Panther Luncheon followed and featured Mr. Johnnie Jones as the speaker. Among the special guests attending the luncheon were Dr. Beverly Ledbetter, Vice President and General Counsel at Brown University and friend of Dr. Simmons; members of the Class of 1944 –Anne Walker (Columbus, Ohio), Fanny Burt (Austin, Texas) and Jennie Burnett Alsobrooks (Gary, Indiana). The Houston Alumni Chapter also hosted a Bowling Outing for the Senior Alumni versus the Young Alumni at the Bowling lanes on campus. Later in the night, the Alumni Dance and social was held at the Hotel.
July 22 began with the Alumni Memorial Breakfast and featured Reverend Dr. Michael Prince as the speaker. The traditional Golf Tournament was also held at the Long Point Golf Course with some 40 golfers competing for prizes.
From all account the special Alumni Book & Author Showcase was a success. Three alumni – namely –
Blake Simon,
Sterling Mark and
Mama Goose(nee Mary Ann Palmer) shared their writings and fielded questions. Papa Goose (nee Michael Spring) also shared his knowledge of publishing. The event will be planned for future events.
The convention closed on July 22 with the awards presentation. Several Chapter received awards for their overall contributions to the association. The Development Office of PVAMU also presented awards to alumni who contributed to the
PVAMU Marching Storm Band's participation in the 2017 Macey’s Day Parade in November.
Mr. Carl Young received the service award for his tenure as president for the past four years.
The new officers introduced were Kimberly Runnels, President, Charlotte Huggins, Vice President, Beverly Williams-Hatchett, Secretary, Raymond Holley, Treasurer, Tania Evans-White, Chaplain and Frederick Roberts, Parliamentarian. Plans are underway for the 2018 convention. For information visit: www.pvualumni.org or call 936-857-5817.
The countdown is on for the ‘Red Hot Summer’s Night in August’ and the 11th Annual Red & White Fireman’s Ball on August 5, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Willie A. Tempton, Sr. Memorial Student Ballroom at Prairie View A&M University. County Administrative Assistants are being honored and a reception will be held at 6:30 pm prior to the event. The event is open to the public, with tickets priced at $40.00. Table sponsorships are available. Monetary donations and Items for the Silent Auction are welcome. For additional questions, please contact Belinda Lewis at lewisbelinda@hotmail.com.

The members of St. Francis of Assisi will launch its Pearl’s Pantry on August 10 with a Fish Fry Dinner for 10.00. The dinner will include two vegetables and dessert. Dinner is served at 11:00 a.m. to about 1:00 p.m. in the church’s Parish Hall on 204 Dooley Street in Prairie View. Future dates include: September 14 – Bar-B-Que; October 12 – Spaghetti; November 9 – Turkey/Ham; and December 7 – Waffles/Chicken Brunch. For information contact the church at 936-857-3272.
St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church will close out its 8th Annual Vacation Bible School and 10th Annual Arts/Hand Bell Camp on Friday, July 28 with a special event Grow and Glow with Jesus, featuring the children in the program, at the church on 204 Dooley Street. The program, cosponsored with the First United Methodist Church, featured songs with Mrs. Christine and Dr. Lucius Wyatt and devotions with Rev. Dewayne Thompson, Rev. Frederick Ragston, Rev. Katy Ware, Rev. Clarence Talley and Rev. John Brandt.
The children were involved in biblical lessons expressing God’s love and power of being incredible, faithful and invincible, arts and craft themed with snacks to emphasize the lessons learned. The evening sessions allowed the children to participate dramatics and Bell training, conducted by Dr. Vicki Seldon, music professor at PVAMU. Daily lunch was provided by the Episcopal Church Women (Helen S. Boyer, Jimmie Poindexter and Carla Whittaker) and First United Methodist of Prairie View (Katherine Reed, LaChaundra Reed and Risha Reed). Mrs. Madolyn Reed is the coordinator. The lead instructors were Lisa Stafford, LaChaundra Reed, Jokeisha Campbell, Corliss Ondijo and Seab Smith; arts and crafts Katy Johnson and Pamelyn Reed; chaperones and assistants were high school students from 3D Mathematics Academy.
Your prayers and encouragement are welcomed for Ada Beal, Irene Davis, B. J. Freeman, the Clifton Gilliard Family, the John Hayes Family, the Family of Evelyn Jones, Jerry Kellum, Edward and Pearl Martin, Katherine Reed and Family, Willie Smith, Mary Ann Stubblefield, Otelia Watson and Sandra Watson. May God’s peace be with you!

HAPPY JULY BIRTHDAY TO: Frank D. Jackson (25), Paris Kincade (25), Jerry Ladig (25), Jewellean Mangaroo (25), Carol Campbell (26), Charleston Hardy (26), Rose M. Jackson (26), Isis McCraw (26), Gloria Thompson (26), Jadyn Smith (26), Renee Calloway (27), Marcus Lane (27), Robert Woodard (27), Ashlee Davies (29), Debra Dungey (29), Mary S. Hawkins (30), Robert Hall (31) and Tommy Washington (31). HAPPY JULY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO: Rick and Gloria Richardson (31). HAPPY AUGUST BIRTHDAY TO: George E. Brown (1), Harold Bonner (1), Gwendolyn Grossman (1), Cathy Harris (3), Barak Obama (4) and Nita Chirlow (5). HAPPY AUGUST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY TO: Henry & Nicole Rose (4).
A VIEW FROM THE HILL: Tonight, July 27, Prairie View A&M University will close out Summer Outdoor Concert Series at 7:00 pm in the Hollands and Gaines Park featuring the 6 Minutes to Sunrise (R&B and Hip Hop). The Free series, sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement is opened to the public. For information on other programs call 936-261-1340.
The staff of the John B. Coleman Library at Prairie View A&M University presents to Campus Community Outreach Program on Genealogy Pedigree Research Day where you can trace your genealogy for free on Friday July 28, 2017, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in the Public Event’s Room 108 and Computer Lab Room 210B. The speakers are Ms. Kimberly M. Gay & Ms. Raquel Williams, Academic Librarians and Genealogy Researchers, respectively. Free Door Prizes and Give-a-ways and Reception immediately following program.
Until next week, in the words of Nelson Mandela, "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb, and I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities and commitment." Keep the news and achievements coming to prairieviewtoday@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 2906, Prairie View, TX 77446.
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