Saturday, July 14, 2018

Centerpoint Energy Dennis Hutchison is Men's Prayer Breakfast

Dennis Hutchison, Operations Supervisor in Gas Operations with Center Point Energy, is the speaker for the Men's Prayer Breakfast at St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church set for Saturday, July 21, 2018 at 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall of the church at 204 Dooley Street, Prairie View. The free breakfast is open to the men of the community, who are asked to reserve a seat and confirm their attendance at 936-857-3272 or email:

Hutchison is a Houston native born in the Fifth ward section of Houston now residing in Pearland. He is a graduate of Kashmere High School and holds the Bachelors of Industrial Education from Prairie View A&M University. While at Prairie View, his life was touched and guided by Willie Bell, Cube Charleston and Richard Hayes, whom he worked with in the print shop for four years.

Following his graduation he sought employment with Centerpoint (CNP), where he’s been employed for the past 36 years. At CNP he has held many positions including Service Technician with the meter shop, technical training instructor, Area Manager W. Memphis, Forrest City, and Helena Arkansas and Technical Operations Supervisor Houston. Additionally, Hutchison is actively involved in volunteerism with CNP sponsored activities each year including feeding and setting up cots for cyclists in the MS-50 ride, distributing school supplies, helping revitalize homes for people in need with Rebuilding Together Houston and giving blood. Dennis was recently recognized for his expanded services in the CNP Newsletter.

For Dennis, Volunteerism is a generational gift passed down to him by his mom and grandmother. This volunteerism extends into his everyday life. He is a deacon at the Silverlake Church in Pearland where he serves as parking director and Prison ministry teacher, specifically with the women’s prison ministry to include monthly Bible study and programs to help to prepare them for life adjustments before they are released. He also assists with the Angel Tree ministry for the children of inmates.

When asked why he’s volunteering, he eagerly responds, “My mom and grandma were always volunteering. As a child, you just pick that up. I want to lead my own children by example. When they see me giving back, it inspires them to give back.” Dennis hopes that his kids, co-workers and community sees him as a person who was always willing to lend a hand to someone in need. That to him is building and sustaining service legacy in the community.

Hutchinson is married to Mitzi Hutchison his college sweet heart and a registered nurse and they have twin daughters Raynell and Danyell, who reside in Woodland Hills California.

Members of the community are also invited to worship with St. Francis of Assisi every Sunday, first with Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. followed by Morning Worship (Holy Eucharist Rite II) at 11:00 p.m.

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