The speaker is Dr. Debra L. Lee whose trailblazing career spans more than 3 decades. She is arguably one of the most influential female voices in the entertainment industry. Up until May 2018, Lee served as the Chairman & CEO of BET Networks, the leading provider of entertainment for the African-American audience and consumers of Black culture globally.
During her tenure, Lee helmed BET’s reinvigorated approach to corporate philanthropy & authentic programming that lead to hits such as The New Edition Story, Being Mary Jane, The BET Awards, Black Girls Rock!, BET Honors and many more. Lee earned her Juris doctorate at Harvard Law School, while simultaneously earning a master’s degree in public policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government. She graduated from Brown University with a bachelor’s degree in political science with an emphasis in Asian politics. In 2014 she was awarded with a Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) from Brown University.
The Prairie View Volunteer Fire Fighting Association, Inc. concludes its Christmas Food and Toy Drive on December 19. Donors may drop off their gifts at the Fire Station on 502 Ellen Powell St., Prairie View, the Prairie View City Hall on US Business 290 and the Prairie View Federal Credit Union on University Drive during business hours. Unwrapped toys for boys and girls ages 0-17 and gift cards are welcomed. For information contact: 936-857-9550. The toy and food give-away is on December 22 at the Fire Station. If you know a family in need please contact city hall @ 936-857-3711, the police station 936-3521 or Elaine Jackson @ 936-857-5550. Remember those in need during this time of year!
St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church will host its Men’s Prayer Breakfast on December 15 at 8:30 a.m. at the church, 204 Dooley Street. The speaker is Mr. Danny Harvey, the Director of a CFP Board-Registered Financial Planning & Finance Faculty at Prairie View A&M University, a position he has held since August 2014. He is a Successful Educator, speaker and Portfolio Manager/Analyst with broad-based experience and hands-on skills in the financial and global energy industries. He has been recognized for delivering high-quality work on time, managing a broad range of responsibilities, and thriving under pressure.
Harvey holds the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree in Global Energy from the C.T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston and the Bachelor degree in Economics from Texas A&M University. Additionally he completed an international business residency in Beijing and Xi'an, China; holds Certification in Oil & Gas Financial and Valuation Modeling from Wall Street Prep in Energy and holds certification in Accounting, Advanced Excel techniques, Valuation & Financial Modeling (Operating, DCF Analysis, LBO, and M&A) from Texas A&M University. Other certifications include TC Cowin Financial Literacy Summer Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University, and WISE Certification in Personal Finance Working.
Under the theme: “The Gathering of Men”, Mr. Harvey will address and discuss the creation of personal wealth and getting your finances in order for the future. He will also discuss the financial status of men in the community and offer suggestions on how to improve the quality of life for all. All men of the community are invited to attend. PLEASE call 936-857-3272 or email: to confirm attendance.
Lifting spirits and sharing the faith is on the hearts and minds of the men of the community as they traverse the area singing Christmas carols on December 10, 2018, beginning at the Prairie View City Hall, with stops in Concorde Village, Hill Estates and Alta Vista. The program will conclude at the home of Mrs. Katherine Reed, who has provided refreshments for the seventh year. The event is in its eleventh year and is hosted by the Men of St. Francis of Assisi and other volunteers and coordinated by Mr. Darryl Johnson.
The Houston FoodBank Mobile unit will return to St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church in Prairie View on Thursday, December 20 with distribution from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the church on 204 Dooley Street. There are no qualifications necessary, however, persons will have the opportunity to sign up for SNAP, Children’s Medicaid/CHIP and TANF programs. Patrons are urged to PLEASE bring bags and boxes for the free items. For other information write to or call 936-857-3272.
The Prairie View Retired Teachers and School Personnel Association, Anne Preston Unit held its monthly meeting on December 19 in the Activity Center of the First United Methodist Church, Owens Road in Prairie View and conducted by Andrea Bell Miller, president. Mrs. Johnie Walker, President, District 6 and former PVRTA president will be on hand to provide updates on her service for the district.
Your prayers and encouragement are welcomed for Ada Beal, Amy Boykin, Irene Davis, B. J. Freeman, Loraine Kirkpatrick, Gail Adams Lee and Family, Pearl Martin, Madolyn Reed, Willie Smith, Mary Ann Stubblefield, Otelia Watson, Sandra Watson and Jessie Yell. May God’s peace be with you!
Our deepest condolences to Gloria Thompson and Family on the passing of her husband, James A. Thompson on November 27, 2018. Condolences may be sent to the James A. Thompson Family, c/o Singleton & Sons Funeral Home, 627 New Orleans, Hempstead, TX 77445. You may call for other information (979)826-2425.
Happy December Birthday Wishes: Justin Samuel (1), Esel Bell (1), Valeria Nickerson (1), Lewis Smith (1), Sarah Williams (1), Linda Barrs (2), Betty Ricks (2), Robert Woodie McClennon (2), Scherrentina Williams (3), Alejandra Jewel Gutierrez (5), Jessica D. Berry (8), Carolyn Brown (9), Arie Walker (11), Ursula Johnson (15), Vanessa Weatherspoon (15), Emory Davis (17), Chase Gillian (17), Emery Davis (17), Cecil Dorsett, III (18), Clara Walker (18), Barbara Queen-Clarke (19), Deviyon Gillian (21), Jordan Hannah (21), Charles Muse (21), Vivian Smith (22), Trivia Cyrus (23), Minnie Cyrus (23), Ula Richard (23), Lillian Manual (24), Nicole D. Berry (25), Marcus Williams (25), Darius Walker(25), Coach Barbara Jacket (26), Dalton McWhinney (27), Jocelyn Whiting (29), Johnie Walker (29), Beatrice Sowell (29) and Michael Sowell (30). HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Cynthia & Maurice Hobson (17), Maurice & Arlicia Perkins (25), Everett & Beckey Fredholm (28) and George and Carolyn Brown (28).
A VIEW FROM THE HILL: The Office of Special Programs will host its Fall 2018 Alumni Pinning Ceremony on December 13 at 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the Opal Johnson Smith Auditorium, Willie A. Tempton, Sr. Memorial Student Center, 700 University Drive, Prairie View. The speaker for the program is Dr. Tania R. White is the speaker. White is an Education Instructional Coach with the Fort Worth ISD, founder and president of Educator Well-Health, Inc. Holds the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Prairie View A&M University, the Master of Education degree in Counseling and a Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership from University of Phoenix and the Master in Business Administration in Business Leadership from Concordia College. Dr. White has served in education for 23 years, with previous experience as an engineer in Houston, Texas. White serves on the Executive Board of the National Alumni Association of Prairie View A&M University as the Chaplain.
President Ruth Simmons will host the annual University Holiday Reception on December 18 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. The event will close out the fall semester with the faculty, staff and alumni and guests. For information contact the Office of the President at 936-261-2111 or email Carol Campbell at
Until next week, show your love to others, be of good cheer and let your light shine. Remember the reason for the season is Christ our Lord. Keep the news and achievements coming to or P. O. Box 5433, Prairie View, TX 77446.
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