Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Freedom Festival set for July 3-4

The Waller View Ministerial Alliance will host its 9th Annual Freedom Festival 2017 on July 3-4 in the City of Waller to commemorate the 241st Independence Anniversary of the United States of America.

The event is co-sponsored by the City of Waller and the Waller Ministerial Alliance to provide a family friendly celebration of independence and be a blessing to our community. More than twenty vendor booths – food, arts & craft, games – music and fellowship are available for all in attendance. One new feature this year is the Ministry Row, to include churches of the Alliance and others who will provide outreach ministry and prayers for the attendees.

The Alliance meets the fourth Monday of each month, excluding July. Pastor David Charleston of Immanuel Church in Prairie View hosted the June meeting at the Waller County Community Center in Prairie View. For information on the Alliance and to sign up for Freedom Fest, contact the organization’s president Joel Bauler at joel@missionwaller.org or go to: www.missionwaller.org/alliance/

Under the theme: One Donation Saves Three, Chi St. Luke’s Blood Center and Waller County Commissioner, Precinct 3 – Jeron Barnett presents a Blood Drive on July 8 at the Waller County Community Center, 21212 FM 1098 in Prairie View. The event runs 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Free T-shirts, Cholesterol testing and refreshments will be served. Register at chistlukesdonor.org or contact Commissioner Barnett at 832-483-8900 for additional information.

The men of the St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church will hold its Prayer Breakfast on July 15 at 8:30 am in the church’s Parish Hall on 204 Dooley Street. The speaker for the event is Anthony D. Solomon, Chief of Police, City of Prairie View.

Chief Solomon who joined the department in November 2016. He began his law enforcement career while serving as a Correctional Officer with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice before attending Alvin College of Law Enforcement Academy. He joined the Tomball Police Department as a Reserve Officer in 1993; later to become the Captain over Special Services Division and served as Commander of the Departments’ Hostage Negotiation Team. Solomon retired from the department December of 2014 after 22 years of service and joined the Bellmead Police Department as Operations Lieutenant in July of 2015. After one year of service Solomon was promoted to Assistant Chief serving as the departments Patrol commander, FTO coordinator and CID Supervisor which investigates all homicides, crimes against persons, and narcotics.

Solomon holds the Bachelor of Science degree from the University Phoenix in Business Management and is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and The Texas Association of Hostage Negotiators. Solomon is also a graduate of the Command Staff Leadership School at the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT) and holds a Master Peace Officer Proficiency Certification. Chief Solomon and the department will host the R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense System) - Effective Self Defense for Women at Prairie View City Hall on July 11, 12, 13, 17 & 18 at 6:00 -9:00 pm.

All men of the community are invited to attend the free breakfast. Please call 936-857-3272 or write to stfrancispv@sbcglobal.net and confirm attendance.

The countdown is on for the 43rd National Convention of the Prairie View A&M University National Alumni on July 20-22, 2017 at the Hilton Northwest in Houston and on the university’s campus. More than 500 alumni and friends of PVAMU are expected to attend the four-day event, featuring workshops, seminars, class meetings, campus tour and the awards ceremonies. For information visit: www.pvualumni.org or call 936-857-5817.

As a public service to the community, the St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church on 204 Dooley Street in Prairie View will host the Houston FoodBank Mobile unit on July 13, 2017 to distribute Fresh Fruits and Produce. The program marks its first anniversary which began on July 2, 2016. Patrons will also be able to apply/renew essential services: i.e. SNAP, Children’s Medicaid/CHIP and TANF. Volunteers are welcomed to assist with the sign-in and distribution. There are no requirements to receive the free product. Please bring your own bags, boxes, etc. Please share this information with members of the community. For information call the Foodbank at 832-369-9390.

Plans are underway for the 8th Annual Vacation Bible School and 10th Annual Arts/Hand Bell Camp on July 24-28 hosted by St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church and First United Methodist Church at in the St. Francis Parish Hall on 204 Dooley Street. The program is free and open to children grades 1 to 8 of the community. The program runs 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with lunch and snacks. To register, TEXT VBS, Parent’s and Child’s name, age (boy/girl) and grade to 713-854.670l. Application will follow the request.

Make plans now to attend the social event of the year: ‘Red Hot Summer’s Night in August’ and the 11th Annual Red & White Fireman’s Ball on August 5, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Willie A. Tempton, Sr. Memorial Student Ballroom at Prairie View A&M University. This year’s honorees include Administrative Assistants and two dedicated employees who have gone above and beyond their call of duty in the city. A reception will be held at 6:30 pm prior to the even. The distinguished event is open to the public, with tickets priced at $40.00. Table sponsorships are available. The committee also encourage the patrons to purchase advertisement in the Souvenir Booklet. Monetary donations and Items for the Silent Auction are welcome. For additional questions, please contact Belinda Lewis at lewisbelinda@hotmailcom.

Congratulations to Dr. Jessica Berry on completion of her Internal Medicine Physician Residency Howard University Hospital in Washington, DC. Jessica, a graduate of Waller High School, received her medical degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University in 2014 and her bachelor’s degree from Prairie View A&M University in 2009. While at Howard, Jessica served as the lead resident and provided service at various health centers in the DC area. Berry, who is the fourth medical doctor in the family (father Glenn, sister Nicole and uncle Mark), will take up employment in Baltimore. Dr. Glenn and Mrs. Debra Berry were on hand for the residency ceremony on June 17.

The City of Prairie View has lost another pillar in the passing of Mrs. Evelyn Jones on June 26 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Mrs. Jones was the widow of Harding L. Jones, Sr. and mother of Harding L. Jones, Jr. who preceded her in death and the mother of Hortense Jones of Knoxville. Mrs. Jones was a long time employee in the Registrar’s Office of Prairie View A&M University, where she retired after some thirty years of service. Funeral service is set for July 8, 2017 at 1:00 pm at St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, 204 Dooley Street, Prairie View. Expressions may be sent to The Evelyn Jones Family, c/o Singleton & Sons Funeral Home, 627 New Orleans, Hempstead, Texas 77445. For further information, go to ttp://www.singletonandsonsfh.com.

Your prayers and encouragement are welcomed for Ada Beal, Irene Davis, B. J. Freeman, the Clifton Gilliard Family, the Family of Evelyn Jones, Jerry Kellum, Edward and Pearl Martin, Katherine Reed and Family, Willie Smith, Mary Ann Stubblefield, Otelia Watson and Sandra Watson. May God’s peace be with you!

Condolences to the family of Clifton Gilliard, who passed on June 20. Coach Gilliard enjoyed a dynamic career in teaching and coaching track and field and football at Prairie View A&M University for more than 40 years. Funeral services for Coach Gillard will be on July 1 in the William Billy Nicks (Baby Dome) Building at the university at 11:00 am. Visitation will be on July 1 from 9:00-10:55 am prior to the funeral service. Expressions may be sent to The Clifton Gilliard Family, c/o Singleton & Sons Funeral Home, 627 New Orleans, Hempstead, Texas 77445. For further information, go to ttp://www.singletonandsonsfh.com.

HAPPY JUNE BIRTHDAY TO: Ceaniel Jallah (26), Brystol Mayo (26), Jokeisha Campbell (27), Jennifer Jackson (27), Benny Strange (27), Patrick Gray (27), Dymonique Burton (28), Travis Reed (28), Ronald Leverett (28), James Johnson (28), Robert Smith (29), Darlene Clark (30), Dwayne Charleston (30) and Caroline Stevenson (30). Happy July Birthday to: Frankie Rigsby (7), Rona Bledsoe (9), Freddie L. Richards (9) Rose Fantahun (9), Richard D. Hayes (11), Dr. R. N. S. Rao (11), Joann Thibodeaux, (11), Imoni Williams (11), Vivian Smith [Fiscal Office] (13), JULY ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Brandon & Alaina Shelby (8), and Leon & Lee Gillian (10).

A VIEW FROM THE HILL: On July 6, 2017, Prairie View A&M University kicks of its Summer Outdoor Concert Series at 7:00 pm in the Hollands and Gaines Park featuring Roland Champagne, Joshua Gunn and Brandon Pierre. The Free concert series, sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement, is set for each Thursday in July and is opened to the public. For information on other programs call 936-261-1340.

Until next week, in the words of President Lyndon B. Johnson, "enlightened loyalty requires that each citizen take the trouble to learn about, to discuss, to think through, the crucial issues of our time." Keep the news and achievements coming to prairieviewtoday@yahoo.com or P. O. Box 2906, Prairie View, TX 77446.

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Dr. Glenn Berry is Men's Prayer Breakfast Speaker at St. Francis of Assisi

Dr. Glenn Berry is the speaker for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast at St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church on December 21, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. i...